Life,  Whispers of Everything

Peace out February!

The month was short, but longer than normal.

February was kinda jammed packed full of stuff for us.

The first weekend of the month we headed up to the Augusta, GA area to meet with a couple branches and view some houses while checking out the area. James did decide on a branch that he liked. While up there we looked a quite a few houses (and even found a neighborhood we loved). Unfortunately, our plans for how we wanted to sell our house didn’t work the way we wanted so we are trying to sell the traditional way with a realtor. Fingers crossed we sell quick! But because of that, we’ve been working our asses off all month to get our house ready (you know, yard work – had to actually buy the stuff for yard work too, power washing, packing up stuff – like my witchy books and all, etc).

In between the craziness we celebrated my birthday (on the 11th), did something for Valentine’s Day (nothing major), attended a few events, and met with our new realtor.

Plus I had a story release in an anthology that came out on leap day!

Other than that, the month was fairly boring. We took the boys to a new dog sitter (who they loved and had a great time with). As much as I love my birthday month, I’m happy it’s over and hoping that the next couple of months brings us a ton of good news. Fingers crossed!