Life,  Whispers of Everything

The Longest Month!

Well, January is FINALLY coming to a close. I know I’m definitely not the only one who feels like there are a hundred days just in January!

The month is ending so lets recap. 🙂

January 1st was James’s birthday. We actually did dinner out a few nights prior so we wouldn’t have to deal with the New Years Eve or New Years Day rush of people. (Plus Bear is terrified of fireworks, so we usually stick close to home).

We’ve started packing! Well we kinda started back in December with the garage, but that was more of just organizing the storage containers. We bought eight plastic containers from Lowes while t hey were on sale. I’ve used a couple for my office. I can proudly say that my office is 95% packed. We went through the kitchen last weekend and tossed FOUR, yes four trash bags full of junk and old spices and stuff. When you look around the house, it looks like we have a ton left, but we really don’t.

We celebrated our eight year anniversary. Go us! We did get to go out to dinner so that was nice.

Bear celebrated his birthday on Sunday! My boy is growing up! I seriously love these two to pieces.

We booked our trip to Georgia/South Carolina to visit the branches and check out the areas.

Other than that, it’s been a pretty quiet January. We are homebodies, so it’s been nice to just hang out at the house with the dogs and get some cleaning/packing done.

Coming up for February:

  • Trip to Georgia/South Carolina
  • My Birthday (I’m so old!)
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Spike’s Charity Shoot
  • LOTS more packing.

Stay tuned for posts about author stuff, travel stuff, holidays, trips, birthdays, etc! I have a lot coming in February!