Lady Mabes,  Michelle


This post will probably be a bit long, with links of information, so bear with me. I’m also going to share my PERSONAL OPINION because that’s what this blog is all about. If you don’t agree with me, that’s cool.

As many know for the past thirteen years I’ve participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). In 2013 I became a Municipal Liaison (ML). An ML is just someone who is a volunteers coordinator for a regional chapter. I’ve been an ML for several regions (Delaware, Maryland, Florida, and North Carolina).

Last year was my last official year participating in NaNoWriMo. Due to recent information that has come to light, I can’t in good faith promote or participate with an organization that doesn’t protect children and the community.

Just days before NaNoWriMo began (it starts November 1st), a thread was shared. In that thread were things I never expected to see. (For a cliff notes version, you can view that HERE.)

Now the moderator in reference was demoted from her moderator duties (for a reason that has nothing to do with their involvement with their external website and luring kids to it). But EVEN with that information, the HQ (headquarters) staff refused to ban that person from the forums and website, still allowing that person access to the kids and the community.

I’m disguised. I’m heartbroken, and frankly, I’m pissed the fuck off. I gave MY time to this organization. I promoted it. I talked people into joining. And now I feel sick even thinking about it.

This year my region got two brand new ML’s. They were excited, and then we saw this. One of my co-ML’s deleted her account and I don’t blame her. I have since resigned as an ML effect immediately (I emailed the ML coordinator Monday night).

HQ seems to not care about the people who they should care the most about. The Young Writers and the community as a whole. WE were the ones that made NaNoWriMo what it was. WE are the only ones currently fighting to protect the kids.

Since all of this came to light, HQ has tried to brush it under the rug. They’ve tried to give a band aid answer to make the community quiet down. Neither worked. I do know that the Board of Directors have stepped in. They’ve shut down the forums (and you can only talk in regional threads or threads created by the Board of Directors.)

However, I feel it’s a bit too late. The news is out, that person is still lurking around, and people are PISSED. Nothing was done when it was first brought up by HQ, and while the Board may be trying their hardest to actually get real answers, HQ was only asked to step back from the forums by the Board not anything else (according to one of the staff members of HQ).

EDIT: It was brought to my attention that unless you make an account you can read the post. So I’ve attached a couple of photos below!

NaNoWriMo has been a huge part of my life for so long. It’s always been that exciting time where I get to write with many others and remember why I loved it so much. That’s completely gone and destroyed now. My trust with HQ will probably never be repaired unless some serious action is taken and HQ is re-staffed.

I would not leave an organization that I’ve been a part of for over a decade unless it was something serious, and this is. I encourage everyone who reads this to please do what is BEST FOR YOU. If you feel like staying and trying to stick it out is best, do it. If you think deleting your account and finding other sources of writing communities is best, do it. Me personally? I’ve resigned, I’ve deleted my project for this year (stopping at thirteen seems like a good chapter to end that book). From here I’ll be focusing more on the communities that I enjoy and I’ll still write every November, it just won’t be for NaNoWriMo. It will be for those other communities and for me.

In terms of OTHER places for community. There are a ton. Many on Discord. If you would like the link to some of them, please message me. Either on Discord (Mabes), or shoot me an email at

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I appreciate you.