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Freedom in Friday Harbor

Title: Freedom In Friday Harbor

Author: International Bestselling Author Annee Jones

Genre: Christian contemporary romance

Publisher: Self-Published by Annee Jones

Release Date: January 25, 2023

“Coffee would be perfect, thanks,” replied Summer.

 “Coming right up,” said the server. “Help yourself to the buffet whenever you want.” She turned and headed toward the kitchen, passing a waiter carrying a pitcher of ice water. Summer held out her glass for him to fill and then took a few sips of the cool liquid. Rising, she walked over to the buffet, interested to see what was in the steaming trays. She picked up a plate and walked slowly down the line, choosing scrambled eggs, sausage, and hash browns. A tall carousel of delectable-looking bakery items on a cart caught her attention. There was one blueberry scone left. Unable to resist the temptation, she reached for it, promptly bumping the hand of someone else, also making a grab for it from the opposite side. 

“Oops, sorry,” she said, pulling her hand back quickly.

 “Oh no, I’m sorry,” said the tall, dark, and ridiculously handsome man who stepped out from around the cart. He smiled at her affably and handed her the scone. 

“You take it,” he said. 

“No, you,” she said, hoping she wasn’t blushing as she passed it back to him. 

He stepped backward and shook his head. 

“Well, when my sister and I wrestled as kids over the last cookie or slice of pie, our mother would always make us split it. So how about we share?” he suggested. 

She grinned. “That only sounds fair,” she said.

Will the 4th of July fireworks light the way to freedom from the past and perhaps the blossoming of new love for Summer and Ace in Friday Harbor?
Seattle marketing specialist Summer Connelly welcomes the assignment to supervise the construction of a company float for the annual 4th of July parade in Friday Harbor, WA. Not only will it be a chance to prove her leadership skills to her boss, but an opportunity for a much-needed escape, especially since she hasn’t taken any time off since her divorce was finalized over a year ago.
Ace Lockhart works himself to the bone at his Portland contracting company, but something in his life feels off. When doctors tell him his elderly father has taken a turn for the worse, he heads to Friday Harbor to be with the old man, simply because no one else in the family will even speak to him.
As fate would have it, Summer’s plans for the parade look like they could go up in smoke before any fireworks are even set off. Can Ace be the ticket to light at the end of the tunnel? Will their days together lead to fireworks in more ways than one?