Life,  Whispers of Everything


So I made a post on Instagram this morning. It was kind of a throwback memory post. Last year I posted a photo of my block calendar on my desk, and my coffee cup talking about jumping back into my goals for the year. This year I took another photo. Same date, different day, different coffee mug. My desk is even in a different spot! BUT one more big difference is, I’ve already hit the ground running on my goals for this year. This blog post being another example of that.

If you go back to here, you can read my 2022 goals and if I accomplished them and you can check out my 2023 goals!

The post this morning though reminded me of a quote that I have hanging up.

I first heard this quote on the television show Brothers & Sisters. Season Five, Episode Twenty-Two. At the 42:30 mark. Nora Walker reflects on her life and is reminded of the above quote while Born This Way by Lady Gaga played in the background (and just so you know, I DID look all this up).

Maybe it was the show, or the song and the quote and the fact that the show was ending, but it just stuck with me. It’s not wrong though. It truly is never too late. Here I am in my mid-thirties. I’m married to my second husband, have made countless moves up and down the east coast. Yet, I’m blogging, I’m writing. I’m running a travel agency. I’m doing what I LOVE. I’m being me.

This year I’m challenging EVERYONE to do more of what you love. Whether it be reading, watching a television show you love from start to finish, streaming, gaming, finally doing some changes to your house. Whatever it is that you want to do, do it. It’s never too late. Don’t ever think that just because your age increases your changes of being what you might have been decrease, because that’s not true.

And I want to hear about it! Here or on Facebook. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you are doing to be that person you want to be.