Life,  Whispers of Everything

2022 & 2023 Goals

Every year I try to make some goals for that year and I go over the goals from the previous year. I don’t do resolutions because they never seem to work. Goals are something I work TOWARD accomplishing. Sometimes it’s more about the journey than the destination.

So below you will see the major and minor goals for 2022 and how I did. After that, you’ll see my 2023 major and minor goals!


** Get at least five new clients.

            We didn’t do this. I wanted to, but the travel business for us fell to the back burner for most of the year. But we do plan to revamp after recharging!

** Attend book signings and get new readers.

            I did this! I went to two different book signings, got some new readers, and I’ve signed up for signings into 2024!

** Spend more time traveling around with James.

            Yes and no? We went on a cruise in January, and went to Maryland in June, but other than that, we’ve stayed close to home this year.


** Stream more (stick to a weekly schedule).

            I would love to say yes, but I didn’t. I want to though.

** Promote fellow authors more.

            Yes and no. I did promote them, just not as much as I planned when writing this.

** Join more local groups.

            Eh, sorta? I joined some local spiritual groups.

** Get more people into groups (Magic Bunch, Book Cove, Hideaway).

            I did get some new people, but I was hoping for more.

I think my goals were reasonable, and I just fell this past year. I didn’t do as good as I wanted and that is entirely on me. This year though, I’ve got this.

For 2023 I’m going to keep my goals a bit lighter. Three major, three minor. This way I know that I will be able to dedicate time to each of them to achieve them.


Devote more time to our travel business.

Expand client and reader base.

Try something new each month.


Stream more on Twitch.

Divide my time better.

Publish at least three more books.