
Things have changed

There are things I’ve noticed now as an adult that I remember from when I was a child and not caring about.

Like what to eat for dinner. I can’t tell you how many times I complained or asked why do we need all of this? My parents always made sure we had a meat of some kind, a starch (usually rice, potatoes or mac and cheese), and a vegetable. Unless it was a casserole, but you get the point. I just never understood why we ate like that. As I got older I started to realize more and more that it was a balance thing. It was good to have all three of those things on my plate. Especially since there was some people who would only eat say frozen mac and cheese for dinner.  Now I will be the first to say that mac and cheese is definitely the food of the Gods, but frozen? Ew.

Growing up I had really long hair. For a ten year old, having hair down to your butt sucked! It was a pain to take care of, I always ended up with knots in my hair so my mom had to sit on the couch and brush them out with conditioner. So when I was able to get my hair cut short (and by short I mean shoulder length), I jumped at the chance. I’ve always kept my hair close to shoulder length but now I want to see how I would feel with long hair again. So here I am growing it out.

There are foods I like now that I hated as I was growing up, and I’ve also realized that you really do accumulate stuff over time. We’ve been living in our house for just over three years.  When we moved here we moved with pretty much all of our personal belongings, our bed, a spare bed, his dresser, my dresser, his chair, a bookshelf and our televisions. We didn’t really have a couch (well we did, but we didn’t move it from our old house). We didn’t bring the coffee table or any other furniture. So when we moved in down here we bought a lot of stuff like a coffee table, side tables, etc.

Now as we talk about the possibility of moving again I can’t help but get excited but also sigh a bit because we have so much stuff now! Like we have two round dining room tables (one we use for mail, my purse, etc), we have dressers and tons of tote boxes. Plus decorations for the holidays, and two massive bookshelves that we use for dvd and games. And I’m just like wow. This is what stressed my parents out so much when we had to move. Like It’s just us two, but my parents had four people to worry about.  Oh and we have dogs! Do you know what moving does to them?! Oi Vey.

I remember when we moved to Florida. We had Legacy (my dog who has moved so much in her life she’s used to it). His cat and dog – Gunner (who has since passed). It was stressful for them. They had no idea what we were doing or why. Then they were stuck in the cars for 17 plus hours (we did stop to let Gunner and Legacy go potty but Gunner got annoyed having to get back into the car – and well I can’t blame him). Fat cat had a travel litter box that he used.

So yeah as an adult I understand now. I understand a lot more than I did growing up and honestly, I wish I had known a little of this (especially around high school). It would have been nice to prepare myself a bit for stuff like this.  

So many things have changed in my mindset, my tastebuds. I think that’s with most people. But let me ask you. What has changed since you were growing up?