Time for some goals!
Every year I make goals (not resolutions). Goals are easier to achieve for me. Maybe it’s a mind over matter thing, or maybe just goals are easier. Whatever the case is, I make goals every year. And at the end of the year, I take a look at my goals from the previous year and see how well I did. Then I write out my goals for the following year and start working on how to achieve them.
2021 was actually harder on me than 2020. We made a huge move, and the whole year just seemed to really drag on. As I said in my last post, I lost a lot this year, but also gained a lot too.
**Find a house in Florida that we love and buy it!
We did this!! We found the house we are living in, put an offer in September 2021, and signed the paperwork November 12, 2021!!
** Hit the USA Today Bestseller list.
I would LOVE to say that I did this, but unfortunately, we didn’t make the list. BUT that’s okay because I learned a LOT and the experience was unlike anything else. And the friendships I made, the connections, and the opportunity was beyond anything I ever imagined.
** Really promote my blog, my writing and our business.
Well, I didn’t quite do this like I hoped, but toward the end of the year, I really started to amp it up. 😉 Check out my Discord for more info on that!
** Post daily on social media.
Not quite, but I did try to post as much as I could. I think posting daily is just hard, but I need to remind myself to MAKE the time.
** Organize my time better.
Kind of? I mean, I did join Habitica. Which is like a game but with tasks that you create. It’s fun and keeps me focused.
** Promote my fellow authors more.
I tried to do this. Life definitely got away from me, and while that’s not an excuse, I do plan to do better this upcoming year!.
** Network. Join more groups in person and online to network.
I DID join more groups online. Mostly because we were moving and joining in person was difficult until I knew exactly where we were landing.
** Stream more.
Not quite as much as I wanted.
Alright 2022, let’s see what we can do!
Get at least five new clients.
Attend book signings and get new readers.
Spend more time traveling around with James.
Stream more (stick to a weekly schedule).
Promote fellow authors more.
Join more local groups.
Get more people into groups (Magic Bunch, Book Cove, Hideaway).