Life,  Whispers of Everything

It’s been a while…

Wow! It sure has been a bit. I assume you may be wondering why. Well, we’ve been a bit busy.

Doing what? I can’t tell you…yet. But I can in about three weeks!

I can however, catch you up on a few other things. Like the fact that we will be in Florida for the holidays! We are super excited about that. As you know, Florida is home to us. I guess the reason for that is that we were married in Florida and we did our whole ‘starting fresh’ thing down in Florida so that’s where we feel most at home.

I’ve had more books release! Yay! 🙂 I have many more on the horizon that I’m very excited about, so make sure you keep an eye out for those.
NaNo starts soon! Yep, it’s THAT time of the year. I’ll be busy writing TWO novellas this November. Caribbean Lotus and Network Connection. So, as long as all goes well, I’ll have both books to submit after the first of the year.

I’ve also started to get in touch with my spiritual side. Lots of reading and focusing my energy on that. It’s fun and interesting, but I won’t go into a lot of details on that right now, but I will write a blog post about it soon. 😉

No major traveling plans for the rest of the year. Maybe a weekend trip here or there. With so many new and amazing changes happening, James and I are sticking close to home. We WILL be having an event in January (stay tuned for that announcement soon).

Halloween is coming!! YES!! I am so excited! If you know me, you know I love the spooky season. I can’t wait until next year when I can put up my decorations. Currently it’s all packed in boxes.

GISH! Halloween Edition! That’s all!

Streaming: I’ll be streaming on Twitch more often in the coming weeks/months. Things have just been a little crazy lately and I wasn’t able to stream normally like usual. In November I’ll be doing mostly writing streams, but after that I’ll be getting into some gaming ones.

I guess that’s really it for right now. This seemed like so much more when I wrote it on paper. I will update more often and post more blog posts about some interesting and fun topics. If you have a topic or subject you would like me to cover, let me know.