Life,  Whispers of Everything

It’s been a while…

It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? Yeah that’s been my fault. The beginning of the year kind of got away from us. Things went from busy to crazy in like three seconds.

We’ve celebrated our anniversary in Cancun (I’ll be writing a post on the experience and the resort), and we’ve spend a great deal of the month of February dealing with death in our family.

I hate death. I hate knowing that someone won’t be there anymore. They aren’t there for you to call and share your exciting news with or talk to when you are feeling down. Sometimes I pick up the phone to dial a number and then realize that I can’t call that person. It sucks.

So yes, the past couple of months have been hectic, but now they are settling down and we are preparing for our move home! Woot!

Every time we go to Florida, I hate leaving even though I know we are moving back.

I did want to talk about life changes though. I mean we all go through them. Some more than others. Like death, big moves, changing of jobs, etc.

What is a life change you want for this year? Everyone has to have goals I’m sure.

I think for me it’s becoming a USA Today Bestseller and our move.

I’d love to see what others come up with.