Whispers of Everything

2020 Reflections

So this has been a weird year, yeah? I’m sure for many people it hasn’t been all that great, especially those with depression and anxiety. I know if I didn’t have James, it would be much harder for me.

Well as I do every year, let’s jump into the past year, month by month!

January – James’s birthday. We didn’t really do much but our normal celebrations. We celebrated our four year anniversary. We worked, came home. I wrote, etc.

February – Not much different. My birthday. Oh and Orange Glazed Attractions released ON MY BIRTHDAY! And that’s when the world began to go nuts and shut down. We DID decide to move into another rental closer to where I was working. And I have to say, it turned out for the BEST!

March – My sister came to visit and then my author event for April was cancelled. Thanks covid. I did get a new laptop, and got back into some games I used to do.

April – World is still shut down. My anxiety was super bad and I HATED going to the store. Not because I was afraid of a little virus. But because I dislike humans.

May – Another month of these crazy times and my anxiety wasn’t any better. If there is one thing I took from this year is that many humans suck.

June – Whiskey & Orange Slices released! Covid still here, although by this point, I was pretty over it.

July – Ugh. I will forever hate this month. While both my Enlisted books released this month (which is amazing because I love both the books), this was the month I lost someone so special to me that it still makes my chest hurt. Legacy passed peacefully in my arms.

August – We decided we were done hiding in our house (not that we really did). And we booked a work trip for the following month to Cancun!

September – Hell’s Guardian released! That ended my Hunting the Night series! It also brought me to ten published books in two years. Hell yeah! OH! And we traveled to Cancun and LOVED every minute of it. We decided that all-inclusive resorts were the way to go.

October – Battle-Scarred. Book one in my Midnight Defenders series released. Bringing me to eleven books with SIX releases just this year.

November – Our January cruise (for our anniversary) was cancelled. But that’s OKAY! We decided we were going back to Cancun anyways! We also seriously talked about moving back to Florida and decided that YES we are going home!

December – Well this month isn’t over yet, but so far, so good. I got to be a part of one of my best friends weddings, and we finally told everyone we were moving home.