Whispers of Everything

22 a day!

This post is going to have references to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Let me start by saying, I get how horrible this is. I understand people are dying, and that’s tragic in any type of situation. The world stopped in most places. Businesses shut down, people were told to stay home, basically we shut down as a nation to stop the spread, to allow the hospitals gain the resources they needed to care for those who needed it.

It angers me and frustrates me that everyone is MORE THAN WILLING to put their lives on hold to help save lives over this virus.

HOWEVER, every single day 22 veterans die. EVERY DAY! That means that as of today(April 22, 2020) 2,486 veterans have died since January 1, 2020.

As a wife of an Army veteran, a friend to many veterans, and a daughter and granddaughter to two veterans (who are both deceased now) this literally breaks my heart.

People should be doing anything they can to try to save the lives of the men and women who put their lives on the line FOR YOU!

So why. Why are we putting everything on hold to save people from a virus (that really won’t ever go away), but we aren’t willing to do something as drastic to save the lives of our veterans? What makes saving those from this virus more important than saving our veterans?