Life,  Michelle,  Whispers of Everything

End of a Decade – Hitting 2020 with a boatload of goals!

Another year is coming to a close. A decade is closing out it’s final chapters within the next few days. 

Let’s see 2010 – 2020.

This post will be a bit longer than my normal New Year’s posts, but if you can, bear with me.

2010 – Well I was with an entirely different person, hell I myself was an entirely different person. Legacy was only three years old.  Such a baby! 

2011 – My dad died. One of the worst things in my entire life. Watching my hero die. 

2012 – Got a separation from my then husband Mike. I would love to keep saying that it was more mutual than anything else, but really, I just couldn’t take the abuse anymore (I think I”m going to try to touch on this subject more next year).

2013 – Met James. <3 In probably one of the worst ways to meet your soulmate. At his mother’s funeral. (Yeah…)

2014 – Moved in with James, lost contact with my mother (because that’s a story for another time).  Also, went on our VERY FIRST cruise!

2015 – Got engaged! To James. Right before our second cruise! Also, we bought a house. In Florida. 😀 

2016 – Got married (in January, but announced it in May). Started M&J Travels. 

2017 – Had our first successful Veteran’s cruise! 

2018 – My grandmother passed. Another crappy thing. Watching a woman who was such an inspiration to me die. Was asked to be Godparents to a beautiful little boy. PEYTON was born! On Christmas! PUBLISHED my first novel with Crazy Ink!! 

2019 – Became an International Bestselling author! Made the tough choice to move from Florida to North Carolina (to be a bit closer to family). Published more! Became a Crazy Ink Exclusive author!

It’s been a CRAZY decade. But a fulfilling one. In the past decade I’ve lost two amazing people in my life. Met a man who I consider my best friend, my hero and my soulmate. Gained an amazing Godson. What a way to end it! 

Now as per my usual. I don’t do resolutions because I would rather make goals. Goals I’ll stick to. Goals can be altered throughout the year. But before we jump into 2020’s goals, let’s take a look back at my goals for 2019 and see how I did!

** I would say travel more, but this year we have one major goal on our minds.  And I will share that on my pages soon, I promise. 

Honestly, I can’t even remember what this was supposed to be so…yeah.

** I want to push with our business. Now more than ever. I want to make that one of our number one priorities this year.  

Well that we didn’t do like I wanted to. But I did start out strong. 

** I want to publish at least three books and start working on some amazing new projects in writing.

I did this! I published FOUR books and THREE anthology pieces. Plus I signed up for some amazing future projects!

** I want to be a bigger part of my nieces and nephews lives, especially my Godson.

I think I did this. We moved from Florida to North Carolina and are now closer (6 hours away). I met my Godson, spent as much time with his as possible. James and I were able to celebrate one of my nephews birthdays with him in September. James and I were able to spend Christmas with family, AND spend the day with our Godson for his FIRST birthday! 

I think all in all, we did pretty good this year. Things definitely could have been better, but we have next year. 😉 

NOW, onto 2020! I’m going to do something a little different. I’ll have major goals, and minor goals. Not saying that minor goals are less than the others, but they will help the major goals be completed.


Sell enough books in one quarter to make at least $50 in sales. (It may not seem like a lot to some, but to me, it is). 

Gain at least FIVE new regular clients for our travel business. 

Spend more time with family. (Now that we are closer, I would love to make it a monthly or month and a half thing to make a trip up there). 

Find a house we love and buy it!


Get better at promoting (author, travel and blog).

Keep up with posting daily on social media (author and travel).

Network more with other authors and business. 

Promote more CI authors.

Set aside money for cruises, moving and traveling.

Organize my time better. 

I think for one year that’s pretty good, what about you? What are YOUR 2020 goals? Remember, goals are easier to achieve than resolutions. Make goals and DO IT. Most of the time resolutions get dropped before January even ends. 

I look forward to seeing your goals, and who knows, maybe I can help you achieve one or two of them! 

Have a fantastic and safe New Years. See you in 2020!