Sunday's Book Corner


Another post and tons more to say!

For a while I’ll probably pick random subjects and just talk (well type), and then once I start getting some followers and getting some feedback you guys can pick my topics! Sounds fun right?

Let’s start with a major subject and big part of my life, being an author. This has been a dream of mine for years, well over a decade! Books have always held a special place in my heart. I remember sitting in the back of Waldenbooks (you know that bookstore that was only in the malls) reading a book and going “I could have a much better ending.” or “I don’t really like that ending.” So I went from just reading to writing fan fiction stories with one of my best friends.

Early on I realized that writing was something my mother and I shared a love of. So even though I don’t speak to her (I’ll touch on that in another post), I am grateful that it’s probably where my love of writing came from.

So I’ve been writing for many, many years. In December 2009 I found National Novel Writing Month – that’s in November. I missed it by a MONTH! I promised myself to participate the following year.

Since 2010 I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo. I’m also what they call and ML (Municipal Liaison). I help set up events, motivate writers and advocate for our region. Yes I wear many hats in my life.

Finally in 2018 thanks to a really amazing friend I was able to find a publishing company Crazy Ink. November 2018 (same month as NaNo) my debut novel Cursed Legacy was published.

It’s an interesting feeling having something you’ve spent years working on published. I was happy but very nervous. My book was out for the world to read (and still is).

If you are someone who is wanting to write a book and publish it, don’t give up. Seriously. No matter what anyone tells you just keep that goal as your destination. It will pan out. Publishing companies like Crazy Ink are there to help you. I can’t even begin to tell you how much less stress I have about publishing by going through Crazy Ink.

Giving up isn’t a option. It sucks to have someone tell you that you can’t or you shouldn’t. Just ignore them. Be you. Don’t worry about being normal or fitting in or anything like that.

It makes me so sad and angry when an aspiring author posts and says that someone told them they are being childish because they write novels or fan fiction. It’s not childish and it’s definitely not stupid or crazy. It’s inspiring and it’s amazing.

Writing isn’t easy. Writing isn’t just sitting down in front of your computer or notebook and knocking out an entire book. It’s long nights, early mornings, some sleepless nights. Your mind is constantly thinking of your characters and your plot.

Writer’s block is real and it SUCKS! – More on that at a later time too.

One of my favorite Gish quotes is “Death to Normalcy!” Remember this always.