Life,  Whispers of Everything

We moved!

Which many of you already know. 😉

But what you may not know is what all went went through with this move. It was to say the least, insane. See, when we were looking at houses a few years ago in Florida it was easy. I guess it was all about the house buy/selling market was doing. We came to Florida, looked at houses for one day. Jumped on a cruise for the week, came back, put an offer in and bam, that’s it!

This time however was not the case. Some houses we picked and sent to our realtor were pending an offer before we could even see it. AND this is all after we had PLANNED to build a house on a piece of property that we actually put an offer in on!

Yep! Watch the video below that details out our entire process. It’s about three and a half minutes long, but it details EVERYTHING out which was kind of fun to make! And if you want to see the house (empty), watch that video after! 😀

Our house process below! This spanned over seven months.

Our home. Empty of course. Once things get more organized, we’ll take photos of everything in the house and show a comparison.