James,  Life,  Michelle,  Travel

Updating Regularly

Good morning! How’s that coffee treating you? On your second cup yet? I had one large cup today. Actually I drank out of my travel mug. 🙂

So I want to start by saying sorry for my lack of posts. Our lives have been so crazy lately with preparing to move, moving, and then I took a quick trip to Jersey to visit family and meet my Godson. I feel like I finally have a minute to catch my breath before starting to sprint again. This weekend we’ll be heading to Charlotte for a book event. I’ll be meeting my publisher (finally!)

We are constantly on the move it seems like or always doing something. James’s new route is going well though. We met with the branch manager the other night and he seems to really like James.

I’ll definitely be getting back into a good schedule though. At least twice a week for posting and I’ll get some posts from James! In the meantime I’ll be working on a summer post about things to do with your family that don’t cost a lot but are still great day trips!

As always, I’ll catch you later!