Whispers of Everything


Geez, it’s like I completely forget to do normal shit when things get busy. I need to work on that.

Alright! Let’s do a quick update and then I’ll get back to reviewing books, restaurants, movies, etc! Have something you want us to review around central Florida? Let us know!

So as for an update, well, we had a birthday, an anniversary, another birthday, another anniversary, two dog birthdays, two dog gotcha days, a book signing, meeting Charlie Hunnam, and a visit with family! All since January 1st. 😉 And of course, toss in there trips to Tampa and Port Canaveral just because! It’s definitely been a packed first half of the year. And the second half has some amazing things coming!

Currently in the writing cave as another month of Camp NaNoWriMo has kicked off July 1st. And of course, OHHOW weekend is this weekend! That means late nights and early mornings for me. Some really awesome things are going to be coming up with my writing and I CAN’T WAIT to share them with everyone! Don’t worry, I’ll have a blog post about that soon. And my newsletter. I need to write this shit down.

Other than that, nothing else major has happened that is notable. James has worked crazy overtime lately. Work has finally slowed down some (which is nice so we can all catch our breath).

So yep! I have a few places to review from April when my sister was down and I’ll get out that writing blog post as well. 😉

Catch you later!