Life,  Whispers of Everything


Happy time zone! (or happy daylight!) Those two phrases were said quite often during our OHHOW event in the beginning of November and they both just seem so fitting since everyone is spread all over.

Let me jump right into it though. So much has happened in the past month and a half.

First! We bought a house! In Florida! Many of you already know that, and I’m sure many more saw me post about it online about a week ago. We are SO glad to be back in Florida, and we love our house. I’ll be sharing some photos of it empty and then some more with our current progress and then hopefully soon I’ll have a finished product for you all to see. It’s a three bedroom, two bathroom with a den home located just south of Winter Haven in a small town called Eagle Lake. This little town I used to drive through EVERY DAY to get to and from work. Funny thing is, I used to think, “this would be a cute and quiet place to live.” It took us a while to find it, but we are glad we did.

In February we’ll be having a house warming party so we are trying to get as much done before then as possible.

November was National Novel Writing Month and while things were hectic here with moving and such, I still did the thing and hit 50k! The second week of November was the OHHOW event and it was AMAZING! We did 1,405,839 words total. It was a massive success. There are some really wonderful things going to be happening with OHHOW in the future (and I’ll be able to expand on that more later).

Now that we are in the new house and I have an office, YES a real office! I will be able to get it organized soon and stream more. We did get me a ‘fancy’ corner desk that I LOVE! We’ll be hitting Ikea again here soon to get our shelves (we need two for all the dvd’s we have and I need at least two in my office).
We went to Ikea last weekend after renting a truck from Lowes only to get to Ikea and have them be out of stock on EVERYTHING we wanted. So $90 down the drain and we’ll try again, but this time, I won’t be renting a truck, we’ll just figure it out with my car or Jen’s. 😉

That’s all for now, but stay tuned for my end of year post. 😉