Life,  Whispers of Everything

Triple Feature

So I briefly touched on this yesterday on Facebook, I didn’t go into details, just did a quick post. Mainly because I just didn’t have the energy to make a long post, and also because I knew I wanted to write a blog post about it.

Yesterday was July 7th. To many people that’s just a normal day in July. To me it’s a bittersweet day.

July 7th was my fathers birthday. He would have been 90. So naturally, July 7th is a bit sad for me when it comes to my dad. I miss him. I miss talking to him and wishing him a happy birthday. Sometimes I try to do something I knew he would enjoy on his birthday. Other times, we have Italian for dinner (like last night). Next month is hard too. The end of the month will mark 13 years since he passed. But on the 7th, I think about my dad a little extra and hope he’s having a wonderful birthday in heaven.

July 7, 2018 was the day my grandmother passed. I remember this day well. The night before I was getting text updates from my cousin about my grandmothers health. At the time, I was living in Florida (there was no way I was making it to Jersey). My sister however did (so she took over updates). Early in the morning, she called. Grandmom had passed. Still to this day I think about her all the time. I want to call her and just chat.

Same day. July 7, 2018. A few hours after I had received word that my grandmother had passed, I was checking my email. In it was an email from Erin at Crazy In Publishing. “I am happy to inform you that your submission of Cursed Legacy has been accepted for publication with Crazy Ink.”
I seriously had to read it over several times before I believed it. My first book was going to be published! On a day where being sad was surrounding me, a bit of light shined through.

That’s why I call July 7th my very bittersweet day. I miss my dad and grandmother so much. I can’t help but wonder though if they had a small part in making that day just a little brighter for me. I hope they did. I am so so so very thankful to Erin. She is the reason I have published so many books and continue to write.

So yes, yesterday in some ways, sucked. But in other ways, it didn’t.

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