• One month!

    Well it’s officially been ONE month since we moved and so far, so good! This move has been very different for us all around. Normally we enlist in our friends/family to help us, but not this time.…

  • Moving Journey

    I kinda feel like I recently made a post about moving, and I guess I kinda did. Two years and five months ago James and I bought a house in Florida. Now I know, two years doesn’t…

  • A moving journey

    In my last post I mentioned the story of us moving. I may not have ever explained the crap we went through when we decided to move and how everything came about. So go grab a snack,…

  • Another 365 days!

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again. I feel like I just wrote my 2022 reflections! Buckle up, buttercup! Let’s roll! January: James’s birthday. Our first New Year’s with Atlas. We didn’t do…

  • Reflection

    Over the past few days I’ve been seeing memories on Facebook of three years ago. Three years ago, James and I sold our house on Royal Hills Circle and moved to North Carolina. At the time we…

  • We moved!

    Which many of you already know. 😉 But what you may not know is what all went went through with this move. It was to say the least, insane. See, when we were looking at houses a…

  • 2021

    So before I start, no this isn’t my end of 2020 / beginning of 2021 annual post (that will come later). This is to explain a Facebook post I made the other day for those who don’t…

  • How have you been?

    Good morning! Happy Wednesday or as some like to call it hump day! We haven’t written for a while and that’s primarily because we’ve both been swamped. We’ve decided to take an adventure and move! Yes, you…