• Not easy

    This week has sucked. I’m not even going to sugar coat it. It just really freaking sucked! You know last weekend, I never would have thought it would be the last weekend I would spend with Legacy.…

  • Celebrating America!

    I wanted to wait until after 4th of July to actually make a post. Mostly because the day is literally FILLED with social media posts of “Happy 4th of July!”, or photos/videos of fireworks. While I love…

  • Thank you for being awesome

    Appreciate them!

    Ah, the early morning and sweet smell of coffee. Too bad I’m already at work and have been for the past thirty minutes. Yep, you read that right. It’s 7am on a Thursday and here I am,…

  • Things have changed

    There are things I’ve noticed now as an adult that I remember from when I was a child and not caring about. Like what to eat for dinner. I can’t tell you how many times I complained…

  • Distractions from your passion

    I want to talk about passions and distractions because lately it seems like more and more people are running into this ‘issue’. So I’m going to use my passion (writing) as an example, but really you can…