• 2022 & 2023 Goals

    Every year I try to make some goals for that year and I go over the goals from the previous year. I don’t do resolutions because they never seem to work. Goals are something I work TOWARD…

  • 2022 Review

    Greetings! It’s that time of the year again, and I’m a few days later than last year. That’s okay though. Let’s dive in and see what this past year was all about! January – January is always…

  • Reflection

    Over the past few days I’ve been seeing memories on Facebook of three years ago. Three years ago, James and I sold our house on Royal Hills Circle and moved to North Carolina. At the time we…

  • Time for some goals!

    Every year I make goals (not resolutions). Goals are easier to achieve for me. Maybe it’s a mind over matter thing, or maybe just goals are easier. Whatever the case is, I make goals every year. And…

  • We moved!

    Which many of you already know. 😉 But what you may not know is what all went went through with this move. It was to say the least, insane. See, when we were looking at houses a…

  • Something I want to share

    I’ve thought about this a lot. Especially lately (my husband and I have been watching a lot of SVU). Last year someone I was friends with, told me I should write a book on my experience so…

  • Update

    Happy time zone! (or happy daylight!) Those two phrases were said quite often during our OHHOW event in the beginning of November and they both just seem so fitting since everyone is spread all over.

  • A bit of history

    So whenever we’ve driven to Jersey (from living here in NC), we’ve passed and most of the time stopped at this place called Stucky’s. It’s just off the main road. Small gas station with a gift shop…