• Let’s talk Spiritual!

    Starting your journey, learning, where to go next, what to do, how to do it. And the best part? It's free and real.

  • Another 365 days!

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again. I feel like I just wrote my 2022 reflections! Buckle up, buttercup! Let’s roll! January: James’s birthday. Our first New Year’s with Atlas. We didn’t do…

  • Planners!

    I wanted to chat about planners for a bit. I feel like a planner is a must for me to stay organized. Not so much my schedule, but my to-do lists, notes, etc. my schedule I tend…

  • Bittersweet

    Today is that day. The day that using the word bittersweet comes into play.

  • Books, books and MORE books!

    For the past few months I’ve been in a major writing slump. Like, I wanted to write, but at the same time, I didn’t. The not writing side took over. So for months and months I just…

  • Update?

    Geez, it’s like I completely forget to do normal shit when things get busy. I need to work on that. Alright! Let’s do a quick update and then I’ll get back to reviewing books, restaurants, movies, etc!…

  • Reviews!

    Time for some restaurant reviews! In April my sister came down to Florida for a visit (they stayed in Ponce Inlet at her in-laws condo). So we went to join them for the weekend. I have to…

  • Freedom in Friday Harbor

    Title: Freedom In Friday Harbor Author: International Bestselling Author Annee Jones Genre: Christian contemporary romance Publisher: Self-Published by Annee Jones Release Date: January 25, 2023 “Coffee would be perfect, thanks,” replied Summer.  “Coming right up,” said the…

  • Be YOU!

    So I made a post on Instagram this morning. It was kind of a throwback memory post. Last year I posted a photo of my block calendar on my desk, and my coffee cup talking about jumping…