• 2021 Review

    It’s time! For my year review. Every year around this time, I review the year by month. January – Decided to take a trip to Cancun for our anniversary, YES! Had a great time and got to…

  • We moved!

    Which many of you already know. πŸ˜‰ But what you may not know is what all went went through with this move. It was to say the least, insane. See, when we were looking at houses a…

  • Let’s travel!

    Ah! It’s been such a long time since I wrote a travel post. I mean, can you blame me though? With everything going on lots of travel was on hold for quite a bit, and things are…

  • Update

    Happy time zone! (or happy daylight!) Those two phrases were said quite often during our OHHOW event in the beginning of November and they both just seem so fitting since everyone is spread all over.

  • How have you been?

    Good morning! Happy Wednesday or as some like to call it hump day! We haven’t written for a while and that’s primarily because we’ve both been swamped. We’ve decided to take an adventure and move! Yes, you…