• Moving Journey

    I kinda feel like I recently made a post about moving, and I guess I kinda did. Two years and five months ago James and I bought a house in Florida. Now I know, two years doesn’t…

  • Happy Birthday Atlas!

    My newest baby is THREE today! We’ve had him for almost two full years! Atlas was pulled from a shelter in June 2021 with his sister and placed in a rescue. His sister was adopted pretty early,…

  • Peace out February!

    The month was short, but longer than normal. February was kinda jammed packed full of stuff for us. The first weekend of the month we headed up to the Augusta, GA area to meet with a couple…

  • A moving journey

    In my last post I mentioned the story of us moving. I may not have ever explained the crap we went through when we decided to move and how everything came about. So go grab a snack,…

  • Happy Eight Years!

    About eight years and four months ago James and I were planning our move to Florida. We had just dealt with a ton of crap from trying to buy a house in Maryland (I’ll make a post…

  • Another 365 days!

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s that time of the year again. I feel like I just wrote my 2022 reflections! Buckle up, buttercup! Let’s roll! January: James’s birthday. Our first New Year’s with Atlas. We didn’t do…

  • Reviews!

    Time for some restaurant reviews! In April my sister came down to Florida for a visit (they stayed in Ponce Inlet at her in-laws condo). So we went to join them for the weekend. I have to…

  • New section! Reviews!

    We cover a LOT on this blog. Travel (because we love to travel and own a small travel agency). Books and writing (because I’m an author), and life in general! The whole point of this blog was…

  • Reflection

    Over the past few days I’ve been seeing memories on Facebook of three years ago. Three years ago, James and I sold our house on Royal Hills Circle and moved to North Carolina. At the time we…

  • Time for some goals!

    Every year I make goals (not resolutions). Goals are easier to achieve for me. Maybe it’s a mind over matter thing, or maybe just goals are easier. Whatever the case is, I make goals every year. And…