• Happy Birthday Atlas!

    My newest baby is THREE today! We’ve had him for almost two full years! Atlas was pulled from a shelter in June 2021 with his sister and placed in a rescue. His sister was adopted pretty early,…

  • Happy Birthday Bear!

    My baby boy will be SIX years old on the 28th. Six! I remember when we got him. He was eight weeks and four days old. So tiny and happy! There was a lady that was a…

  • 2022 Review

    Greetings! It’s that time of the year again, and I’m a few days later than last year. That’s okay though. Let’s dive in and see what this past year was all about! January – January is always…

  • A year

    It doesn’t even feel like it’s been a year. It feels like it’s been several. Shortly after Legacy passed my little sister decided to get me one of the cuddle clones. At first I was worried. What…

  • Celebrating America!

    I wanted to wait until after 4th of July to actually make a post. Mostly because the day is literally FILLED with social media posts of “Happy 4th of July!”, or photos/videos of fireworks. While I love…