James,  Life,  Michelle

Some randomness

Well the holidays are here and it definitely doesn’t fee like Christmas around here. Last month we went on a cruise just after Thanksgiving. Even though we spent Thanksgiving with friends, it didn’t really feel like Thanksgiving. And we aren’t doing the whole tree and Christmas decorations this year because well for one, there isn’t really a space in this tiny ass house and you won’t see our outside decorations since we live in the middle of nowhere.

Now we are supposed to go spend Christmas eve with family and then going to visit our Godson on Christmas day (also his birthday). Christmas day is a non-issue. It’s Peyton’s first birthday and we definitely are NOT missing it. Part of me feels really strange about spending the holidays with family. I’m so used to it being just James, the dogs and I. So spending holiday time with family is just an awkward feeling for me making my anxiety high and my stress levels sky rocket.

Maybe next year I’ll feel differently about it, or maybe we’ll just make a day trip up for Peyton’s birthday.

We are also doing our own mini Thanksgiving this year today. Got a baby turkey, making my mom’s stuffing, corn, deviled eggs (because James can’t have holidays without those), and rolls. So it’s still similar to a normal dinner, but with a Thanksgiving twist.

Same for Christmas stuff. Normally Christmas morning we always have a Christmas morning casserole. Well this year it looks like we may be in a hotel room on Christmas eve (which is another thing I’m not feeling 100% about). So we will most likely be doing our casserole before Christmas or just after. We are still debating on what we are going to do. Why do the holidays have to be so stressful? Why can’t they just be simple?

I do miss Florida though. I miss our house, our friends and not having to overly stress about the holidays. Maybe next year when we are in our own house (not a tiny shoebox of a rental) it will be less stressful and less rough.