Whispers of Everything


Over the past few days I’ve been seeing memories on Facebook of three years ago.

Three years ago, James and I sold our house on Royal Hills Circle and moved to North Carolina. At the time we were moving to be closer to our Godson and family. And that was true, then. You know the saying, “Grass is greener on the other side”? Yeah, well it’s not always.

A few good things came out of living in NC though.

One, Wilson (Richard) and David at Orkin. These two men were pretty awesome. They were James’s bosses. Richard (I call him Wilson) hired James and from the moment he did, he was 100% committed to making sure that he and I had everything we needed. David was just as awesome. He actually insisted I come back from Jersey after James started working so he could take us both out to dinner. They truly showed James and I that not everyone at Orkin is a bad seed.

Two, we met Sarah. Gosh, this is probably the BEST thing. Sarah was one of James’s customers. She has this big house and behind it a garage apartment. The rental company we were with when we first moved up there was shit. Lower than shit actually. But we didn’t have many options and they pretty much had MOST of the rental around that area. Anyways, as the house we were living in kept falling apart, we had to start looking for somewhere else to go, even if it was temporary.
James asked Sarah if we could rent it out, she told him only if I like it. And even though we only signed a six month lease, we ended up staying almost two years. Sarah is a mom to me. She has been a massive cheerleader for my writing, she was there for me when Legacy died. We definitely think meeting Sarah was the best part about moving and honestly, makes it completely worth it.

Three, being closer to family. While we weren’t down the street form family, we were close enough to go visit for a weekend here and there. Actually shortly after we moved up there I spent a few days in Jersey visiting with family while James stayed back to work and such. It was nice when the hurricane came through and we had to leave the house (it was really close to water). It was nice when my uncle needed somewhere to go while his house got worked on and he couldn’t stay at the rehab hospital anymore. It was also nice because I got to spend more time with my sisters.
But, then I realized that I spent more time talking to people on the phone or online than I did visiting them. Instead we were driving the ten hours every month to Florida.

So was the grass greener? For a short time, but not entirely.

Now we are back home. Back in central Florida. New house (which we love), and I still talk to and spend time with family (was just in Maryland this month to visit and I’ll be in Norfolk at the end of July).

The memories are just a reminder that we left for what we thought was a good reason. Now we know that while good came out of it, we are just happy to be back home.