Life,  Whispers of Everything

Ready for 2021!

As per my usual end of the year posts this one is all about the goals I had this year, how I did and my goals for next year. Remember. I don’t do resolutions because they can’t be changed. Goals can change and that’s okay.

Let’s see how 2020 went.


**Sell enough books in one quarter to make at least $50 in sales. (It may not seem like a lot to some, but to me, it is). 
I didn’t do this quite like I thought.

**Gain at least FIVE new regular clients for our travel business. 
CLOSE! We did get some new clients. 2020 was a bit tough for the travel business.

**Spend more time with family. (Now that we are closer, I would love to make it a monthly or month and a half thing to make a trip up there). 
This we didn’t do at all. Not with our families in Maryland/Jersey anyways. The ONLY person we saw in 2020 was my little sister, his grandmother and his brother in terms of blood family. Our Florida family we actually saw in September, November and December.

**Find a house we love and buy it!
Did NOT do this, but we did find another rental we love and we have a landlord we love. A woman who supports me and my writing 100%. A woman who treats us like her children and not her tenants.


**Get better at promoting (author, travel and blog).
Eh. I started out well. This will carry to next year.

**Keep up with posting daily on social media (author and travel).
Definitely did not keep this well. I do know that I need a better schedule to do this.

**Network more with other authors and businesses. 
Sorta. So I had a plan to network like crazy at some events we were scheduled for. However, those events didn’t happen. I DID network with some travel agents in Cancun though so that’s a plus!

**Promote more CI authors.
Sorta. I feel like I could have been better at this.

**Set aside money for cruises, moving and traveling.
This we did! And still do!

**Organize my time better. 
This one needs arrows next to it because I suck at it.

Alright 2021! Let’s see what we can do!


Find a house in Florida that we love and buy it!

Hit the USA Today Bestseller list.

Really promote my blog, my writing and our business.


Post daily on social media.

Organize my time better.

Promote my fellow authors more.

Network. Join more groups in person and online to network.

Stream more.

Alright 2021, I’m coming for you.