Life,  Sunday's Book Corner,  Whispers of Everything

A quick post turned to a long blog entry!

I was going to make this into a post on Facebook, but decided it should be a blog entry instead.

So as many of you know, NaNo has started. Last night I was able to knock out about 2,600 words (which is great for day one).

Last night I got to do a live write-in with authors from Crazy Ink right after my live video with my Magic Bunch group. I looked like hell (being sick does that to you), and I’m sure I sounded funny (can’t breathe out my nose).

Both groups were amazing and I felt so comfortable that nothing else even mattered. I seriously love my extended families.

The Magic Bunch has been amazing since well before our cruise last year and will continue to be amazing until the end of time. I can’t wait to cruise with them in the future. I hope they all know how much I love being a part of their lives, and how truly thankful I am to have them in mine.

Crazy Ink, we are all insane. But it’s a good crazy. These authors are so talented and so inspiring that it motivates me to keep writing. I’m forever thankful for being introduced to Crazy Ink. I love my #pubfamily.

And my family, they know I love them. I love their continued support of my writing and I love being able to spend more time with them. The drive may suck once in a while, but being able to go up to Jersey and see my family for a weekend without having to drive all night long is amazing. Seeing my Godson grow is something I wanted since the day we were asked.

Not sure I ever went into that. See, growing up KJ and I were close in age. I remember when we were little we were almost always together. Hell there is a picture of us in the same crib at grandmom’s. Bring us to 2018. KJ and Kimmi announced they were expecting. In September (while cruising) I received a message from Kimmi asking to chat with James and I when we had a chance. Well lucky for us all we were in San Juan where our cell phones worked (it’s considered a U.S. territory). Anyways, we jumped on video chat and were asked to be Peyton’s Godparents. At first I was definitely shocked, but I couldn’t have been more excited. We get to visit San Juan again and that place will always be special to me now.

I know the roles of Godparents vary between families. I don’t even know my Godparents last names. I didn’t want that to be our relationship with Peyton. I wanted him to grow up seeing us often. I wanted him to be able to consider us a second set of parents (as long as KJ and Kimmi are okay with that).

After Peyton was born James and I talked, a lot. We weren’t sure how we would spend a lot of time with family being so far away. Plus I missed my sisters and family. I hated going to visit sometimes because leaving meant I wouldn’t see them for a while. After a LOT of debating, and a LOT of consideration, we figured the best thing to do was to move closer. Lucky for us the Wilson branch in North Carolina LOVED James and wanted him to start right away.

We may still be six hours away from family, but now we are ten hours closer. Now we get to go up and visit my family without having to drive all night. Now we get to spend more time with our handsome Godson.

And I can’t not brag on my husband because damn I got lucky! This man has been nothing but amazing. From keeping me safe to helping my family. He always drives when we go places, even if he’s tired, he drives. He always makes sure I’m good first before himself. He has allowed me to not only bring one more dog into our lives, but two more. When I have a deadline, he does it all. He cooks, cleans, takes care of the dogs all so I can focus on writing. He is my biggest supporter (even though he doesn’t read books). He’s a great man, dog dad, Godfather, and husband. He’s my hero in more ways than one. He’s introduced me to people who I now consider family.

So what started as an I love my pub family and I love my cruise family post and became a I seriously love everyone in my life post. I wouldn’t be rolling through this life without any of you.

Now I guess I better get going for the day. I have sprints with Crazy Ink and more writing to do. 😀

Happy Saturday ya’ll!