Life,  Whispers of Everything

One month!

Well it’s officially been ONE month since we moved and so far, so good! This move has been very different for us all around. Normally we enlist in our friends/family to help us, but not this time. This time, we hired movers to load and unload the truck. Honestly, best choice ever. Each team did amazing and both did it in two hours or less. Definitely well worth the money.

This is also the fastest we’ve switched our licenses and car over (both are done and paperwork is submitted to the tax assessors office).

We are still getting the house together, but it’s mostly all done. We are still waiting for some key items (that will be here soon).

The neighborhood is amazing. I won’t go as far to say perfect (because no place truly is), but it’s damn near close. It’s quiet here, right off the main highway, but not close enough that the noise bothers us. It’s close enough to a few towns and cities, but not close enough to where the traffic is insane. We were even the first to technically move in on our street (which is weird to say).

We’ve met our neighbors (who moved in the same weekend as us), and the neighbors that will be moving in next month. We’ve also met a few other couples in the neighborhood all of which have been so welcoming.

This move has taught us a lot. I am so glad that we moved. The last couple of times we moved, I cried. I was sad and missed the place we left. This time, I cried a little (mainly because we loved our house), but I’m not sad. I don’t miss the place we left at all. We moved for US. Not because we wanted to be closer to family or friends. Not even because we wanted to be closer to the cruise ports. We picked a place on a map. We went to visit the area, we loved it. So that’s where we decided to go. A place where WE would be happy. Since moving things have just fallen into place. We feel happy. James’s psoriasis is already getting so much better. The dogs love the backyard. The weather – while still hot – is not nearly Florida hot.

People have asked if we will ever move back to Florida. Not a chance. Never. Nope. Visit? Yes. We plan to visit the cruise ports. We plan to visit the area where my book signings will be. We plan to visit for certain conventions. But outside of that, we have no desire nor need to go back to Florida. Definitely no desire to ever live there again. Florida is a place to visit for us, not a place to live.

So our chapters in Florida are officially closed. They were good, but this next chapter is shaping up to be a great one. I can’t wait to see what adventure is on the horizon for us.

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