
New Beginnings, let’s rock this!

There really is no exact way to start a blog, so here it goes!

First I want to start by saying that if you’ve followed my old personal blog prior to this you know I didn’t update much. Well that changes NOW. I am going to pull over my post from the beginning of the year/end of last year to this this to make it easier to find.

My life has had a lot of ups and downs just like many others. I’m hoping that together was can go through this thing called life. Go on adventures with us as we cruise, travel or just take a day trip somewhere. Who knows, maybe you’ll join us on our next cruise! Follow my writing. Someone recently said to me that they are in awe of writers because it’s a lot to put together. Being an author isn’t just sitting down and writing, but there will be so much more on that later!

And my husband plans to make a few posts about pest control, Military and whatever else might inspire him.

Together James and I have been through a lot. He and I met when his mother passed away in 2013. It’s always a story when someone asks “Well how did you two meet?” I remember at the luncheon after the funeral his grandmother told me that we would make a cute couple. At the time, I laughed it off because well I wasn’t really thinking about dating him especially at that moment.

So time went on and the following year we ended up spending the weekends together. We got to know each other. Eventually deciding to move in together.

I wanted to make this introduction post so you can get a feel for who we are, what we want to share with you and let you know that we are all going through this together. You are going to learn a lot about us and we hope to learn more about each of you as well. We want you to interact with us.

To get more updates or to interact with me you can follow my page on Facebook (, follow me on Twitter (, or on Instagram (

Until then, remember normalcy is overrated!