James,  Lady Mabes,  Life

Life Update

Whew. It’s been a little bit, huh? Things have been a bit hectic since we moved in back in May. So let me give you a bit of a life update!

Well as you know in May we moved from Florida to South Carolina. It’s been mostly positive. There have been a few small negatives, but nothing to write home about.

June my sister came to visit with her husband so that was nice! We got to visit a bit since it was over a year since we had seen her last. We also got our new living room set (the L couch just didn’t work in the space we had).

The boys LOVE running around the yard and I’m so glad they get to get all their energy out!

July was pretty quiet. Mainly just us getting to know the areas and getting the house to be where we wanted it.

August we did a trip to Atlanta for Dragoncon! Got to meet Nathan Fillion, Jared Padalecki, and Kristin Kruek. It was a very intense day. Dragoncon is MASSIVE if you’ve never been and there are SO many people dressed in cosplay (we actually felt like the outsiders being in normal clothes). But the day was great, and I even got the chance to chat with Jared during one of his autograph sessions. It was really cool.

September while it’s still going, the first couple of weeks have been PACKED. The first weekend we drove to Orlando for Fanboy Expo. Got to meet the amazing David Boreanaz, AJ Buckley, TJ Thyne, and John Francis Daley. It was a crazy couple of days down there, but honestly SO SO worth it. David was the headliner that we wanted, but the rest were just as amazing. Got to chat with AJ Friday night about living in South Carolina (because you know, we all live in the same state now.) John was so cute and super friendly! I’m so glad we made time to meet him. TJ was probably the best. He was literally the nicest guy. He even gave his fan gifts! Right after our photo op he made sure to hug us extra tight, which was so cute. David, well David was amazing. He was so nice, thanked James for her service and chatted with us about doing Seal Team. It was truly an epic weekend.
The following weekend (because you know we like to do crazy things), we ended up having our house warming-ish party. It was really good! I am always nervous about having people in the house. Mainly because I swear things aren’t clean even when they are. Plus we have Bear and Atlas who like to be extra annoying. We kept them behind the baby gate in our room for most of the time until they calmed down enough. James’s co-worker Josh brought his wife and kids and Bear kept scaring the baby every time she crawled over there. All in all it was a great day, we made a TON of food. I would probably do it again (maybe on smaller scale).

That brings us to now. Now we rest some. We just had three straight weekends of go, go, go and we are tired. I’m ready for a few weeks of staying close to home.

I’ll be blogging more though. I promise. I fell off the wagon when things started happening with the old house and the new house and then the move. Honestly, as great as the move was, it took so much out of me in every way, it’s taken me a bit to get back to myself. But I am, I’m back and ready to take on the world!

What’s up next? Well good thing you asked! 😉 I’ll be sharing some recipes (all holiday themed), updating you about my writing journey (which I am getting back on), talking about what I’ve been learning and studying lately (it’s quite interesting), and sharing about our lives! if you have questions, I’d love to answer them. Keep an eye on our Instagram because I’ll be asking a ton of questions there too.