Life,  Whispers of Everything

Let’s go 2024!

It’s time. Again! Time to review 2023 and set up goals for 2024!

I already know I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted this year, but that’s okay. I accomplished other things and that is important.


Devote more time to our travel business.

            Well we didn’t really do this, but that’s okay.

Expand client and reader base.

            Kinda did this? We have a some new clients and I’ve expanded my reader base some.

Try something new each month.

            We didn’t do this, but we did try a few new things and places this year.


Stream more on Twitch.

            I really failed at this. But maybe this year?

Divide my time better.

            Kinda. I’ve learned to let things go and not focus on the things that weren’t as important to me as other things.

Publish at least three more books.

            I definitely did not do this. However! I did sign up for some anthologies, and I’ve started working on some new projects that I’m really excited about!


Major Goals:

** Buy a house in either Augusta or near Columbia! Yep, that’s right. We are planning to move, and this will be a major goal for us.

** Attend the book signing in Salem, MA.

** Get 2-3 more clients.

Minor Goals:

** Stream weekly on Twitch!

** Start learning Herbalism.

** Start setting up a game room for James and I.

I’m keeping things easy and light this year. A move is going to a lot out of us so I want to make sure I’m dividing my time well between all of the things!