
How traveling began for us.

Good morning! Let’s switch gears from my last post and talk travel. I could talk for hours and hours about travel (especially cruising).  

Growing up my parents always made sure that we took one big (or semi big) family vacation every summer. So throughout the year my parents would put money aside (usually in an envelope inside of the clock).  Then when it came time to go on vacation the money would come out and we’d go. We went all over the place.

One year we took our packed mini van (7 people and their luggage) to New York and Niagara falls (Canadian side). Instead of staying in hotels we camped which at the time was fun because I had two of my friends with me at the time.  

Another time we went to North Carolina and then up to Ohio.  Gem mining in NC and Cedar Point in Ohio. That was the year my best friend came with us.  It was a lot of driving but damn did we have fun.

Then of course one year we came down to Disney.

Another time we rented a condo in Bethany Beach, DE. That was pretty cool and relaxing. I mean we could cook our own meals if we wanted, and there was a pool there. Plus my grandparents came to visit.  

My uncle used to rent a place in Bethany Beach every year. It was always fun because we were the odd ones out and lived in Maryland while everyone else lived in New Jersey. So it was cool because we were able to visit with my cousins and family.

So clearly growing up I’ve traveled a little here and there. Only when I became an adult did I start to travel more.

For James though he didn’t do much traveling. His said his mom would take them all to the beach or to a theme park, and as a single mom raising four kids I’m sure it wasn’t easy. Heck, it wasn’t easy for my two parents to raise two kids.
He did travel (if you can call it that) a little bit while he was in the Army. I’m sure he’ll go into more details about his Army days at a later date.

The biggest travel for me (and James) came in 2014 when we went on a cruise out of Galveston, Texas. Ah our first cruise and the start of something amazing!

That cruise we stopped in Cozumel, Belize and Roatan. That cruise started our love of cruising and it’s the reason that we have a travel agency today.

Funny story: We had talked about cruising again on our flight home. We thought every other year would be great. Come the following year and I realized I had an entire week of vacation so we opted to book another cruise. This time a five night out of Jacksonville, Florida.

Is cruising for everyone? Nope. Do I think you should at least try it? Yes.

Here’s why: I was terrified, and when I say terrified I mean full on panic mode and I was coming up with ways in my head to not get on the ship, but I did and I LOVED it. From the moment I stepped onto the ship I loved it.

Now James and I go on at least one cruise a year and travel as much as we can. As a couple it’s nice to get away, to have that time away from home and everything to just relax and refocus. Even getting out for the day and going somewhere can help.

Always remember that as a couple (or a single person, don’t worry, I see you there too), it’s nice to get away. Take some time to yourself or your relationship. As a person in a relationship or not, you need that time to reflex, relax and remind yourself that no matter what life throws at you, you’ve got this.