James,  Life,  Michelle

How have you been?

Good morning! Happy Wednesday or as some like to call it hump day!

We haven’t written for a while and that’s primarily because we’ve both been swamped. We’ve decided to take an adventure and move! Yes, you heard that right, no more sunshine hotter than hell state.

Not that we don’t like Florida. We do, and I LOVE being close to the cruise ports, but it just feels right. So James is taking a transfer to a North Carolina branch and we are in the process of finding a place to rent for a few months while we look to buy a home.

At first I was super excited, then not so much when my co-worker and I became close friends. However, even though we won’t be working together, I still see our friendship continuing so I’m pretty excited.

Now, some people say “But you just moved there why are you moving again?” or “Oh what, you couldn’t handle the heat?” Both good questions and here’s my answer. We are moving because we want to be closer to family. Being 5-6 hours from family will give us both that perfect combination of family time and non-family time. Right now it’s like 10% family time and 90% non-family time.

We can easily travel from North Carolina for the weekend to visit with family without issues. We could see them on holidays now. If there is an important event like a birthday party or get together we can actually have a good chance at attending. THIS is what I want. I want to be a part of my Godson’s life and not just be that person in Florida.

As for the Florida heat, yes it’s hot down here but we’ve gotten used to it. Florida is nice, it’s just far away from everyone we love and I do miss fall. I’m a strange one. I love flip flops like I’m a flip flop queen in my house. But at the same time I’m a hoodie girl. I love having hoodies and I love fall. I can totally wear flip flops in the fall with my hoodies!

So yeah, we are moving. Also I’ve been writing, a LOT. I’ve added seven new projects to my never ending list and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I actually should be writing now, but I really wanted to post something so everyone knew we were still alive.

I’m sure James will have a post soon pertaining to pest control.

I’ll have a traveling one here shortly about our adventure in moving. And I’ll be getting together a writing one to share upcoming projects with you all!

So as always, I’ll catch you later!