Michelle,  Whispers of Everything

Happy Father’s Day?

Today is a day I dread. I don’t say that to put a damper on your day, but for ME, I don’t care for father’s day. Why? Because it’s just an all day constant reminder that my dad isn’t here. It’s a day where I see everyone posting about how much they love their dad, how they can’t wait to spend the day with him, and here I sit. Wishing I was able to get ONE more father’s day with my dad.

Then you have the people who are like, “My dad called me this morning and woke me up.” or, “Ugh, my dad stopped by so early today!” I WISH I could have this! You have no idea how freaking LUCKY you are to have that with your dad.

So on Father’s Day, I dread it. I try really hard to not say anything mean to those who are still lucky enough to have their dad in their life. I cry because I miss him so much and I just wish I had more time. I try to focus on other things, but it still doesn’t make it any easier.

But to my dad in heaven, I miss you like crazy. I think about you all the time, and I hope you are spending your afterlife with your parents and siblings. Say hi to them for me. And while you’re at it, could you say hi to grandmom and grandpop too? I love you daddy. You will always be my number one hero and my number one person. <3