Life,  Whispers of Everything

Good morning world!

Ah, happy Friday! Even though most places still aren’t open, I hope everything is planning some EPIC for their weekend! Me? Oh yeah, I have something epic planned. Tomorrow I’m going to do laundry in the morning while my husband is at work. Then we are going to adventure to the grocery store where we will hopefully catch some much needed items for the week. After that we will probably just wing it because who knows what crazy stuff we will get into! 😉

At some point I will be in Missouri though (virtually of course). Where the Midnight Defenders are taking form. It’s going to be one wild ride (hopefully on the back of one of their amazing motorcycles). So don’t forget to look for those fun posts.

But today is Friday and do you know where I’m not today? At work. Yep. Why? Because I quit. Now before you get your panties in a bunch and be like, “I can’t believe she quit her job at a time like this!” I already have another job. I just couldn’t stay at the job any longer. For those of you who don’t know I started as a temporary nanny in December when we got back from our cruise. At that point in time, I didn’t care where I was working as long as I was making some sort of income. I’m sure many can relate to that. As long as you were able to provide for your family, you felt like you were good, right? Well that’s where I was. So from about the end of January on I was applying and searching for another position. I wasn’t hardcore looking, but I was looking. Then Covid hit and a lot of places just weren’t hiring, so I held off for a bit. Last month I picked up on applying again because I just wasn’t having this job anymore. The pay was horrible, the parents were lazy, and their dogs seemed to prefer to use the bathroom inside the house than outside (which made me go through a lot of gloves). Now this isn’t a ‘poor me’ post. It’s just to enlighten everyone on what I’ve been dealing with for the past few months.

So anyways, got offered a job and I took it. James and I did discuss it, and we went over all the pros and cons. I’m keeping the company confidential for right now, but I’ll be a project administrator for a large company. I’ll start off working from home (until offices open up again).

Right now I’m just waiting for the internet tech to get here since we’ve been having issues (go figure). We’ll see how that goes.

Well there are a few things I need to get done today. Stuff for Possessed by Passion, some posts and of course, some time with my Midnight Defenders.

As always, being normal is overrated. 😉