Life,  Whispers of Everything

Getting there

Happy Sunday evening beautiful souls! James and I are spending the afternoon and evening relaxing. This weekend was an excellent weekend for me to reflect on many different things in our life.

Family. This has been very much on my mind lately. Every person has a different definition of family. For some it only extends out to those who are blood related to you (and that’s okay!)
To others, it’s the family you create with love and support. And that’s where we are. See James and I each lost the one biological parent that we loved more than anything else. As far as we are concerned now, we have no biological parents. And while that sucks, we have other people who have done an amazing job filling that ‘parent’ void and we love them as if they were our biological parents.

Then we have those we consider family (and talk as if they are). When we planned to move back down it was a mix of things. We really missed Florida (weird for the man who LOVES the cold weather), and we wanted to be closer to a family we consider family. I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful we are to them for the past few months. Actually this past year we’ve all been through so much together that the bond is strong. <3
And don’t think we don’t have blood family that we don’t absolutely LOVE. We do. I have sisters and James has his brother and we’d be lost without them.

This weekend we went to a baby shower for someone who this time last year, I barely knew. Now, I can’t wait for her little girl to get here so we can all spoil her!
On Thanksgiving we spent it with family that we didn’t have a few years ago.

We have created a family of those people we care for, love, and will do anything for. If you are lucky enough to be a part of this family you know just how important we are to each other.

The biggest point I’m trying to make is that your family doesn’t always have to be just those blood related. You can have other types of families too.

But lately, my eyes have really been open to seeing who exactly is family.

Something else I’ve been reflecting on is opinions. Everyone has them, and honestly the world would be super boring if we all thought the exact same. I don’t share my opinions often (never in public). Why? Because people seem to think that if I don’t have the same opinion as them, I’m no longer a good person. And frankly that shit pisses me off. I’m a damn good person. I will continue to keep most of my opinions to myself, but just please be kind. If someone doesn’t agree with EVERYTHING you do, just remember that differences make the world go round.

I am so glad to be home though. <3 I can’t wait for more weekly dinners, game nights, day trips and so much more!

That’s all for that. James and I are going to be having some amazing things coming up soon! Christmas with family. Vacation in January. Housewarming party in February. OH and did I mention that January and February are our birthdays and anniversary? 😉