Whispers of Everything

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is never a day that I look forward to. I know that death is a part of life, but that doesn’t make it suck any less.

You never realize what you lose when someone close to you passes away. Those quick phone calls, buying a holiday card for them, hearing their voice, seeing them all the time.

This father’s day was a little harder than normal. Maybe it’s because I’ve watched so many people pass this past year, or maybe it’s just starting to hit once again.

This year my best friend lost her dad. A man who cherished her and who she saw damn near every day. It’s not easy. And anyone in this world who says, “It gets easier.” Hasn’t lost someone super close to them yet, or they just don’t give a damn.

While everyone is posting about spending the day with their dad, or talking on the phone with him for an extended period of time, I’m over here thinking about mine. Wondering if he’s proud of me. Wondering if he’s happy to be with his parents and siblings. I know some people (like James) who don’t have a good relationship with their father, but if you don’t it has to be for a really good reason and I’m sorry because you too are mourning the parent you should have had.

I miss my dad so much. He was Superman and to me, Superman was indestructible. What I do know is, I spend my days living in honor of him. When I go on adventures, he’s with me. I experience things for us both and that will never change.

Happy Father’s Day in heaven. I love you so much and I wish you could be here with me today. <3