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Fatal Distractions

Title: Fatal Distractions

Author: Virginia Wallace, Loren A. Douglas, Catalyst Jost and Chris Taylor

Genre: Horror, Dark

Publisher: Self Published: Virginia Wallace

Release Date: January 14, 2023

Welcome to an off-kilter, dark, and often humorous world.
It’s a world that reminds us much of our own, but not quite. These eight literary offerings are the stuff of dreams—or nightmares. But even nightmares can provide a much-needed distraction, pulling us away from our cares for just a little while…

“MOM!!!” gasped Holly. “What’s this?” 

“Don’t donate that,” said Mom, sounding alarmed. “That’s important to me!” 

“Why?” demanded Holly. “Is it from your wedding night?!” 

“Not exactly,” said Mom, blushing. “You always asked me how your father and I met?”

 “Yes …” “Maybe it’s time you knew,” said Mom. “And please, don’t donate that corset! It’s part of the story.”

 Holly eyed her mother with a raised eyebrow. Her mother had always just been … Mom, and her father a sweet—if occasionally clueless, and always honest—man. A leather corset certainly did not jive with her impression of her parents! 

“Go on …” prodded Holly, perhaps against her better judgment. 

“It was a sunny afternoon,” said Mom, “in 1972, in San Francisco. I was twenty at the time …”