Life,  Whispers of Everything

Celebrating America!

I wanted to wait until after 4th of July to actually make a post. Mostly because the day is literally FILLED with social media posts of “Happy 4th of July!”, or photos/videos of fireworks.

While I love this holiday because no matter how people act, and no matter what crazy shit is happening, I still love so many things about this country. One being that my husband (and so many others) literally put their lives on the line for it.

One thing I dislike about the holiday is the backyard fireworks. Now because you scold me about that. I LOVE the firework shows. They are beautiful. Hell even some of the backyard ones are very pretty. But we have three dogs. And two of them hate the loud noises. It makes it difficult to actually be able to enjoy the holiday when I have two dogs siting next to me shaking and crying. Thankfully last night was actually mild and we gave them some medicine that helped calm them down.

But also with this month comes so many different things. On the first, Enlisted: A New Beginning released. 😀 The 7th would have been my dads birthday and it’s also the day my grandmother passed away. Also it’s my manuscript acceptance day from CI! On the 23rd we have the release of Enlised: North Carolina.

Whew! Lots of stuff this month! Clearly I’ll be busy. And did I mention I’m finishing up Battle-Scarred this weekend? Yep! Check out my author blog post for more information on my writing! 😉

Anyways, I’m going to go. James and I are relaxing (for the most part) today. He’s about to play a game and I’m working on websites, like this one!

Stay tuned for another day, another post.

Remember, normalcy is overrated.