Whispers of Everything

  • Celebrating America!

    I wanted to wait until after 4th of July to actually make a post. Mostly because the day is literally FILLED with social media posts of “Happy 4th of July!”, or photos/videos of fireworks. While I love…

  • Happy Father’s Day?

    Today is a day I dread. I don’t say that to put a damper on your day, but for ME, I don’t care for father’s day. Why? Because it’s just an all day constant reminder that my…

  • It’s an anniversary day!

    So by that title you are probably thinking, “Oh! I thought they got married in January.” We did. It’s not that type of anniversary. Four years ago James and I decided to take a leap and become…

  • Thank you for being awesome

    Appreciate them!

    Ah, the early morning and sweet smell of coffee. Too bad I’m already at work and have been for the past thirty minutes. Yep, you read that right. It’s 7am on a Thursday and here I am,…

  • 22 a day!

    This post is going to have references to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Let me start by saying, I get how horrible this is. I understand people are dying, and that’s tragic in any type of situation. The…

  • This Valentine’s Day…

    Read a book! Or buy your significant other some of these amazing books from Crazy Ink! As most of you know by now, I’m a published author with Crazy Ink. These are just some of the amazing…

  • 2019 Reflections

    It’s that time of the year again. This year I’m doing this on a new blog because Whispers of Everything has become the new spot. Those of you who remember I had a blog, Carry On through…

  • Happy Veteran’s Day!

    First and foremost, I want to say thank you to ALL of the Veterans out there. Your service to this country definitely doesn’t go unnoticed (especially in my household). I thank you EVERYDAY of the year. Happy…