Whispers of Everything

  • Father’s Day

    Father’s Day is never a day that I look forward to. I know that death is a part of life, but that doesn’t make it suck any less. You never realize what you lose when someone close…

  • It’s that time again!

    It’s May! It’s almost the middle of the year. May always holds a special place in my heart. Five years ago James and I went on our honeymoon. We had an amazing time and we announced to…

  • It’s been a while…

    It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? Yeah that’s been my fault. The beginning of the year kind of got away from us. Things went from busy to crazy in like three seconds. We’ve celebrated our anniversary…

  • Ready for 2021!

    As per my usual end of the year posts this one is all about the goals I had this year, how I did and my goals for next year. Remember. I don’t do resolutions because they can’t…

  • 2020 Reflections

    So this has been a weird year, yeah? I’m sure for many people it hasn’t been all that great, especially those with depression and anxiety. I know if I didn’t have James, it would be much harder…

  • 2021

    So before I start, no this isn’t my end of 2020 / beginning of 2021 annual post (that will come later). This is to explain a Facebook post I made the other day for those who don’t…

  • “Carry On”

    If you know me, you already know what this post will be about just by the title. Two nights ago, November 19, 2020 Supernatural’s final episode aired on the CW. Now I know some of you are…

  • Possessed by Passion

    Passions pulsate. Destinies collide. Humans, angels, and demons alike are possessed with a common bind—desire. Experience exquisite and sultry seraphs, demonic witches, a hellfire phoenix, a vengeful gargoyle, ordinary humans with dark sides, vampires, werewolves, ghostly spirits,…

  • Not easy

    This week has sucked. I’m not even going to sugar coat it. It just really freaking sucked! You know last weekend, I never would have thought it would be the last weekend I would spend with Legacy.…

  • Good morning world!

    Ah, happy Friday! Even though most places still aren’t open, I hope everything is planning some EPIC for their weekend! Me? Oh yeah, I have something epic planned. Tomorrow I’m going to do laundry in the morning…