Life,  Michelle,  Whispers of Everything

“Carry On”

If you know me, you already know what this post will be about just by the title. Two nights ago, November 19, 2020 Supernatural’s final episode aired on the CW. Now I know some of you are going, “But it’s just a tv show!” And for you, it is. But that’s not the case for those of us in the SPN Family.

See, when this show aired, no one thought it would last that long. But boy did they prove everyone wrong. 15 seasons, 324 episodes. This show has made it through the storms. They have literally aired on every night of the week. One season it was Mondays, a few Tuesdays, a couple Wednesdays, many Thursdays, and even a couple Fridays. They’ve always kept one thing the same though. Every year they came back to keep fighting.

So here we are. November 2st. Two nights ago was the finale. I’m not sure I can really put into words how much this show has done for me.

The family that the cast has created from this show is unlike any other. One that will stay with me forever. I know the family isn’t going anywhere, and now I have 15 seasons to r-watch!


The last three episodes of season 15 were heartbreaking, happy, sad, scary. I mean I could go on. When Cas expressed his love for Dean and then let the empty take him was heartbreaking. Watching Dean sit on the floor and cry. Damn.

Then you have Jack. Who becomes the new God (guess I’m going to have to start saying Oh my Jack!) But for me, that was perfect for Jack. He said he wanted to just ‘be’. And for him to have grown so much over the past few years, it was the perfect ending for Jack.

Now let’s talk about our boys. I will say I spent much of last night crying. Dean went out just as Jensen always wanted for him. In a blaze of glory. Doing exactly what he loved. Saving people, Hunting things, The family business. While I was pissed at first, seeing Dean in Heaven with Bobby and learning about his parents and Cas and Jack just made me happy. He had baby, and he was about to live an afterlife he probably never expected for himself.

Then we have Sam. Who was always meant to live that apple pie life. Raising a son, having a family. That was Sam’s life. He got to grow old and still met with his brother in Heaven (where time is a little different). That was the best ending for Sam.

It was almost like the best of both worlds for them. And while I was sad (my tear stained hoodie is proof), I know that for Sam and Dean that was the endings they both wanted. I can see why Jared loved that episode so much. I love it too. I probably won’t be able to watch it again any time soon, but I loved it.

Now there have been some talk about fans not feeling like the show ended well, or that they aren’t satisfied with it. Here’s my take on it.

I’m not satisfied because it ended. I feel empty and I think that’s just because the show ended. Like for such a long time, we had that safety net that it would always be there. It would always be back the next year, but now that is gone.

As for the ending, the way Dean died sucked. Like no joke. BUT I am choosing to look at it this way. He spent practically his whole life fighting monsters. Every day he put his life on the line for the good of the world. It was who he was. It was his job. He may not have died to an actual monster, but he literally went down swinging. Which is how Dean always wanted to go. Fighting the good fight.

So while, yes, certain aspects sucked. The episode covered everything we have already knew all alone. Dean dying while fighting the good fight, and Sam finally living the life that Dean always wanted for him.

Thank you Supernatural for 15 years of pure awesomeness. Thank you for providing us with family, with love, and with something we will all hold onto and cherish.

Supernatural may not have any new episodes, but it’s not going anywhere. Reruns and family will be there forever.