Book Reviews,  Whispers of Everything

Book Review!

Grimoire Girl – A Memoir of Magic and Mischief by Hilarie Burton Morgan.

I actually read this book last year and I loved it! If you follow Hilarie on Instagram, you already know that she’s an absolutely amazing person and gem. Her posts make you feel like you can do anything and be anything.

The book, Grimoire Girl was fantastic. She shared her personal stories with the world, but at the same time, gave you tips, tricks, and insight into making your own grimoire, carving your own path and just being you.

The pages lined with green are the big tips and tools to your magical journey. The other pages are her story. Letting you get a glimpse of her life.

In the first couple of chapters she talks about tools to make your own grimoire, naming your home (such as Mischief Farm which is the name her and Jeffrey picked for their home).

“Next, collect your ink pens. No pencils! Commit to your thoughts!”

Page 8

She talks about Ithaca (your home – the place that makes your heart the happiest). This doesn’t have to be your current home it can be any of your homes that you’ve had.

She talks about her moves between homes (she actually lived in a house believed to be haunted by Hester Donnelly in North Carolina.

“I was living in Hester Donnelly’s house. Local legend. Creator of the art museum in Wilmington. Notorious party-thrower. Incredibly active ghost.”

Page 84

In the book she discusses finding a muse (it can be anyone who inspires you. Heck it could be multiple people!)

One part that I especially loved was the Make Your Own Oracle Deck.

“An oracle deck is a collection of cards that offer you guidance through self-reflection.”

Page 192

She tells you to collect quotes, short stories, and pearls of wisdom from various people and places to help you move through some of your challenging days. This was an amazing idea! I’ve already started a collection of quotes that I have around my office. Going into the new year I’ll be adding these to my own Oracle deck that I will be able to use when I need.

If you read her other book The Rural Diaries, you know that she’s married to Jeffrey Dean Morgan and they live in upstate New York on a farm they call Mischief Farms (seriously check out her Instagram).

The book was insightful and it really made me think. Hilarie has a way of making you feel like you truly matter no matter what and that you should hold onto and focus on. I’ve even started using some of her tips in my every day life.

Would I read this again? Hell yeah I would! In fact, I’ll probably end up reading both of her books over again this year.

Would I recommend this to others? Again, hell yeah! Don’t walk, RUN to Amazon or your bookstore and get this book. While you are there, pick up her other book The Rural Diaries as well.

Grimoire Girl
The Rural Diaries