
Thanks for joining us on this wild ride! Below you’ll see a little about us. This blog is for us to express ourselves, chat about things on our minds, share experiences and anything else that may tickle our fancy!
Don’t forget to also follow us on Facebook for some updates!

A little about us.

I’m an international bestselling author and I double as a travel agent. Traveling is a huge part of my life, and I can’t wait to see what adventures I can get to go on. I’m an Army veterans wife and dog mom. I’ve been called a flip flop queen and excel junkie. I’m also a Gisher and NaNo ML (if you don’t know what those are, read some of my past posts!) I love to game when I have some spare time and I’m getting more into the streaming scene. You can find me anywhere as LadyMabes or Mabes121!

I’m an Army Veteran and travel agent. Traveling has become a major part of my life since 2014. I work in pest control, but hoping to change that soon. I was born and raised all around Maryland and lived in Georgia when I was stationed at Ft. Stewart. I don’t do much with social media, but I have been getting into gaming a bit lately. I’ve been through some hell in my life, but I’m here today, grateful for what I have.

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