Life,  Whispers of Everything

2019 Reflections

It’s that time of the year again. This year I’m doing this on a new blog because Whispers of Everything has become the new spot. Those of you who remember I had a blog, Carry On through my abnosome eyes that was my home. 

So before we jump into this past year, at the end of 2018 (on Christmas day to be exact), our beautiful Godson was born. I couldn’t have been more excited.  

January – So January we talked about moving closer to family. Neither of us wanted to actually live back in Maryland or anywhere where we would get a lot of snow. We celebrated James’s birthday like we always do. Also in January we celebrated our anniversary in style! We hit three different Disney parks in one day. Bear turned one! Also in January we said goodbye to a former LT of James’s Chris Nogle. 

February – My birthday month! 😀 Also, A Warrior’s Soul released on the 16th (which was also my grandfather’s birthday). I am so proud of this book. February I also started our new blog Whispers of Everything! It definitely wasn’t a quick choice and took a lot of back and forth. 

March – We went to North Carolina and spoke to a couple of the branches there. When we got home we decided that a move might be a good idea. March was a pretty slow month other than that. We had work to do on the house, like power washing the fence and all. Jared, Jensen and Misha announced that season 15 would be the end of Supernatural. I was crushed. Still am. 

April – Our house went on the market! :O Also Binding Fate was released! AND I got to spend time with my sister and niece in Florida! This month I became an exclusive author with Crazy Ink and I’ve NEVER regretted it for one second. We took Fat Cat to live with CJ and Liz (mostly because I just couldn’t breathe, but I still loved him!

May – Broken Souls (A Haven series novella) released! It definitely was rough having three releases each month BUT SUPER exciting! I would definitely do it again (and who knows I may in 2020!) The series finale of Big Bang Theory. My year anniversary with being a Crazy Ink Author. We took a trip to Georgia for a Celebration of Life for someone James served with. I met a few more people he served with and learned quite a bit. 

June – Such a bitter sweet month. June we moved to North Carolina leaving our Florida family. I miss them ALL the time! The month was crazy busy, and I was so sad to go, but at the same time, excited for our new adventure.

July – I MET MY GODSON! Finally after months, I was able to drive to Jersey and meet the little boy who made me a Godmom.  <3 Another bitter sweet month. One year since my grandmother passed, one year since Crazy Ink accepted my first book, and what would have been my fathers birthday.  I met my publisher, and marketing director and one of our editors and some amazing authors! Seriously July is the month that made me happy and sad at the same time!

August –  I did Gish, again because I love it. I also took the leap and signed up for 2020 because yes. I signed up for TWO author events. One in Roanoke, VA and one in New Orleans both in 2020. 

September – Spent a lot of time driving back and forth between NC and NJ. We did run from the hurricane and went to Jersey. James finally got to meet his Godson! At the end of September my uncle came to stay with us for a bit while he began on getting better. Other than that, September was mostly about writing, planning, working, etc.

October – Oh my favorite month! Halloween, duh. My little sister got married! The month was mostly spent taking care of my uncle so we didn’t do much other than make sure things were straight. We took him home at the end of the month and on Halloween I wrote about 8k to make a deadline.  🙂 

November – CRUISE MONTH! My favorite type of month! So November was my NaNo month, and cruise month.  Whew. So it was busy with writing, planning, packing, writing, etc. At the end of the month we got to see our Florida family for Thanksgiving. I met another fellow author, and we dropped the dogs off at their aunt and uncle’s so we can cruise! 

December – The rest of our cruise was the first week. Damn did we have a great time! Even though we went to the same ports as last year, we had a fantastic time on the Carnival Breeze. I started a job (that I actually hate – but hoping to fix that soon). And we have plans to visit family for Christmas! Whew. 

If I missed anything, I’m sorry. I tried to remember everything that has happened. 

The year has been both good and bad, but I definitely wouldn’t trade it. I look forward to 2020. To all of the amazing things I have planned in terms of our business, our blog, my writing, and of course our adventures. 

Don’t forget to look for my next post that will have my goals for 2020!

Remember, normalcy is overrated!