
10 ways to prevent pests

Top ten all year round way to prevent pests:

  1. Make sure your house is sealed. (Door jams, window seals, ac lines, cable lines, etc)
  2. Don’t provide food sources. (Don’t leave food out on your counters or stoves overnight).
  3. Don’t horde cardboard.
  4. Check items you buy from yard sales, garage sales thoroughly before bringing into your house.
  5. When buying items online no matter where from, open package and discard shipping box immediately. (You boxes sit in a warehouse before being shipped to you, it could contain pests).
  6. If you have ants and/or roaches, make sure to use clorox or lysol wipes to wipe down countertops and appliances on a regular basis.
  7. Stored product pest or something you bring home from the store. (they come in your pastas, flour, grains, etc). The best way to remove them is to find what they came in and anything else they’ve contaminated and remove immediately. You also want to put anything not contaminated into sealed containers or plastic bags.
  8. Bed bugs are something that is brought into the house by you or a guest. Unfortunately the only way to get rid of them completely is to pay a professional because they can go without feeding on you for up to 18 months.
  9. Rodents are virtually blind. They can’t see it unless it’s right in front of them. But they have an excellent sense of smell. So if you get a rodent into your home the best thing to use to catch it are items that have a strong smell. (such as peanut butter, slim jims, or you can use things they’ve already fed on like dog food, or cat food).
  10. This is probably the most important one! If you already paying a pest specialist to come to your home, listen and follow the directions they give you. Afterall, you’re paying them to help get rid of your issue. They are only trying to help you.